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Saturday, August 18, 2007
WHO warning on Beijing pollution
On some days visibility is cut to only a few hundred metres
Beijing embarked on a four-day experiment on Friday in order to assess if taking 1.3 million cars off the city's streets will substantially reduce air pollution in preparation for next year's Beijing Olympics [CNN / BBC]. There are over 3 million vehicles on Beijing’s roads pumping out vast quantities of nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter into the air. From 6:00 a.m. until midnight on Friday, drivers with an even final digit on their licence plate face fines if they take to the city roads. Odd numbered cars are banned on Saturday and Monday, while vehicles with even numbers must also stay off the roads on Sunday. Meanwhile Dr Michal Krzyzanowski of the World Health Organisation has told the BBC that those with a history of cardiovascular problems should take particular care if they visit Beijing next year. "All of the cities are pretty highly polluted by European standards, but even by the standards of Asia, Chinese cities are pretty highly polluted," he told BBC Sport.
"The main problem in Chinese cities is air pollution, small particles which are suspended in the air and penetrate deep into the lungs." [BBC]
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