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Saturday, August 18, 2007
Hurricane forces early return for space shuttle
Live coverage was only available on interactive TV services and the internet
Astronauts on board the space shuttle Endeavour today completed their last spacewalk of mission STS-118. There has been little Live coverage on Sky, BBC or CNN, however Sky News Active did provide continued coverage, while the BBC provided access to coverage on their website. However the crew will do nothing to replace heat resistant tiles which were damaged during take-off. NASA has made the decision to allow Endeavour to return to Earth without making any repairs to the heat shield. It is thought that any effort to make a repair might result in more damage. Keith Cowing, of, speaking on CNN said the small hole has been assessed and is considered safe for re-entry. The spacewalk was due to be cut short due the hurricane Dean bearing down on the US [CNN]. There are fears in may increase to a category 5 storm and delay the scheduled landing. Endeavour may return on Tuesday, one day ahead of schedule.
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