Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Iraq - A day of carnage leaves 170 dead

Baghdad has seen its worst day of violence since the US led clamp-down started two months ago and four days ago. More than 170 have died in a series of attacks that followed an announcement by Nouri al Maliki that he hoped to soon bring his country under Iraqi control. But soon after his upbeat statement a reign of terror hit the streets of Iraq’s capital. CNN continually broke into regular programming with the Breaking News. First it was 30 dead, then 66, the death toll rising all afternoon. By the day’s end it was above 170 and described by Channel 4 News as being “A day that defies belief.” The first blast hit near to a hospital killing around 11 people. A further 35 died in the second bomb blast in the mainly Shi’ite area of Sadr city in north-east Baghdad. Then can the most devastating attack of the day at Sadriya market. Here at least 118 died with over 100 others injured. This was the scene of another tragic blast only months before in which over 130 died. But the killing was still not over. Only minutes later a fourth bomb a short distance away killed another four Iraqis [BBC].

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