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Friday, February 02, 2007
UK - more searches in 'Kidnap terror plot'
Suspects arrive at court Thursday under high security
In the wake of 9 people arrested in Birmingham with connection to an alleged kidnap terror plot, the Association of Muslim Police Officers has asked for a risk assessment after some officers expressed concern over their safety. The nine men at the centre of the alleged terror plot remain in police custody after a judge granted further time to the police to question the suspects.
Asst Chief Constable, David Shaw, in a press conference, said the police had completed 6 searches and it would be likely that a further 8 should be complete be Saturday. He said police, “had recovered a significant number of exhibits” in the searches, but would not reveal the nature of the objects found. David Shaw refused to answer most of the journalists’ questions. He still refused to clarify the nature of the alleged terror plot, nor why as yet the suspects had not been questioned. He also refused whether anyone was under protective custody. The only new fact to emerge was that search warrants had been served on three more properties. He said no arrests had been made at the addresses. Meanwhile tensions amongst the Muslim population have risen with many feeling that their community is under siege [BBC].
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