Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thailand: Military seize control from PM

Tanks and troops are on the streets of Thailand’s capital Bangkok after the military launched a coup against the beleaguered Shinawatra government. The situation seems to be ‘well ordered and calm’ according to Sky Correspondent William Owen who reported live from Bangkok. Outside Bangkok it is difficult to gauge the situation and CNN and the BBC as well as other networks have been shutdown. The Party of Democratic Reform is said to be behind the coup and a state of Martial Law and a suspension of the constitution has been declared. Meanwhile Thaksin Shinawatra, the Thai Prime Minister is in New York, attending a UN conference. He has said he still considers himself Prime Minister, but it is not known when or if he may return. The Military Coup comes only three days after Thailand was rocked but a series of bombings by Islamic fundamentalists. The 7 bombs killed four and injured up to seventy.
The Australian government has said their citizens should rethink their plans if travelling to the country. The British Government has issued no advice and say they are ‘monitoring the situation closely’. The coup has affected many stocks around the world and European markets were down nearly 1% at the close. Posted by Picasa

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