Monday, August 21, 2006

Bomb plot suspects charged

British police have announced that 11 of the 23 arrested in connection with a major bomb plot have been charged with terrorism offences. They have been named as:

Ahmed Abdullah Ali - Conspiracy to Murder
Arafat Waheed Khan - Conspiracy to Murder
Adam Khatib - Conspiracy to Murder
Assad Ali Sarwar - Conspiracy to Murder
Umar Islam [aka - Brian Young] - Conspiracy to Murder
Ibrahim Savant - Conspiracy to Murder
Waheed Zaman - Conspiracy to Murder
Tanvir Hussain - Conspiracy to Murder
Cossar Ali - failure to disclose information
Mehran Hussain - failure to disclose information
un-named17 year old - preparing acts of Terrorism

Speaking at a press conference broadcast on Sky News, BBC 24 and CNN, Susan Hemming of the Crown Prosecution Service said the accused deserved a fair trial and asked that the media be fair and responsible in their reporting. One woman has been released without charge. A further 11 suspects remain under investigation. DAC Peter Clarke from the Metropolitan Police Service told the assembled media that a huge amount of evidence had been gathered both prior to the terror raids and in subsequent searches. He said the evidence gathered at 69 locations in houses, business premises, vehicles and open spaces had unearthed bomb making materials including electronic components and chemicals. He added that the evidence also included so called ‘martyrdom videos’. Data retrieved from 400 computers, 200 mobile phones and 800 data storage devices amounted to 6 terabytes of information [6,000 Gb]. He finished by saying, “Threat from terrorism is real and enduring…and we must not be complacent”. Posted by Picasa

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