Saturday, February 18, 2006

Cartoon protests escalate

London - Thousands gather to protest
As temperatures are raised over the publication of a number of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed, protests have escalated. In Libya at least 10 have died in riots and in Pakistan protest descended into violence for the fifth day in a row. In Nigeria, the latest to see protests, 16 died in violent protests [BBC]. In London a few thousand Muslims gathered in Trafalgar Square to protest their grievances over the cartoons. The assembled crowds were relatively peaceful, though noisy. Speakers gave long speeches mainly in Arabic as protesters waved placards declaring the “War on Terror” as being a “War on Islam”. Most of the placards had been vetted beforehand in order to avoid a repletion of events seen in London two weeks ago. In earlier protests placards had called for ‘Revenge’ and the ‘beheading’ of those who insulted Islam. In one small incident stewards moved in to ask two protesters who had fashioned a banner depicting a Danish flag emblazoned with the words “Stick to making pastries”. Denmark was the first country to see the publication of the offending cartoons [BBC/Sky News]. In Italy there was political fallout after one politician wore a T-shirt displaying some of the cartoons. Robert Calderoli, the Italian reform minister, was later forced to resign [BBCPosted by Picasa

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