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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Bush admits Iraqi death toll exceeds 30,000
George Bush admitted for the first time in Monday’s speech that the Iraqi death toll since hostilities started exceeded 30,000. This was in answer to a question put to the President after his third in a series of speeches made in an effort to boost the American public’s confidence of the US policy in Iraq and the War on Terror. Meanwhile the violence continues unabated. Four more US marines died in attacks Tuesday bringing the US death toll to 2,151. The allied death toll stands at 2,352. Since December 13th 2003, when the former dictator Saddam Hussein was arrested by US troops, the situation has gone from bad to worse. Condoleezza Rice has recently criticized the international community in helping to prosecute the former leader saying their “effective boycott” is “helping to fuel the insurgency”. The fourth and final speech by George Bush is expected Wednesday.
[02:24 GMT 14/12/2005]
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