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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
China - New terror warning on US interests
Guangzhou - another possible target?
The US Embassy in China has issued a new warning of a possible terror attack on US interests in southern China, the China Daily reported yesterday. The warning came a round five days after Chinese authorities released a similar warning now said to have been a hoax according to Chinese police. The ‘credidible threat’ was said to target US interests in Guangzhou in southern China. ''The United States government has received credible information that a terrorist threat may exist against official U.S. government facilities in Guangzhou…This threat also may exist for places where Americans are known to congregate or visit, including clubs, restaurants, places of worship, schools or outdoor recreation events,'' the warning said. It told Americans in southern China to ''be aware of their surroundings and remain alert to possible threats.'' [IHT]
CNN said the threat was of particular concern as U.S. President George W. Bush planned to travel to China at the end of the week to meet with President Hu Jintao. Bush departs Monday for a seven-day trip to visit China, Japan, South Korea and Mongolia. President Hu Jintao is continuing his tour and is currently in Madrid, Spain. [Xinhua News Agency ]
[00:46 GMT 15/11/2005]
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