Thursday, September 29, 2005

Iraq - new abuse photos may increase insugency

Channel 4 News reported tonight that there was “Worse to come” after it was announced that a judge in the US, ordered more photographs and video of Iraqi prisoner abuse be released. The photographs and videos have been suppressed by the government, who say the release of such images would reduce moral amongst US troops [BBC]. All this comes after revelations that some US personnel had posted ‘trophy photos’ of abuse in exchange for ‘pornography’. Some of the photos were said to be ‘snuff photos’; pictures US soldiers posing by dead Iraqi and mutilated bodies. The investigation into the issue has been dropped [BBC] and this will further fuel the propaganda war as well as the war on the ground. A war that today saw 5 US troops killed and dozens of civilians dead after a serious of attacks. According to reports at least 50 were killed in a coordinated car bomb attack in Balad, north of Baghdad [BBC]. The five US soldiers died in a roadside bomb attack near Ramadi in western Iraq. Two others died near Basra, also killed by what is often referred to as an I.E.D attack [Improvised Explosive Device]. Another soldier attached to the 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, lost his life to sniper fire on Tuesday whilst on combat operations in Ramadi, US Military sources reported. Forty nine US personnel have been killed this month, and three British troops have also died in the continuing conflict. Since March 2003, 2,130 coalition personnel have been killed [Operation Iraqi Freedom casualties].
[19:27 GMT 29/09/2005]

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