Friday, September 16, 2005

Iraq - At least 200 dead in a week of attacks

Very much under reported following the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, the continuing turmoil in Iraq has continued unabated. This week alone has seen over 200 killed in suicide bomb attacks and gun battles. As the United Nation met on its 60th anniversary Wednesday at least 11 attacks in Baghdad killed 153 and injured countless others. Seventeen civilians were also killed by gunfire. The president of Iraq dismissed the attack as a desperate measure by insurgents and that there would probably be a lull in the killing. But the killing continued into Thursday with further attacks around the country. And on Friday a bomb attack outside a Shi’ite mosque killed at least 20 and injured scores of civilians. All of this comes after tireless efforts by US and Iraqi forces to crush the insurgency. The latest operations near Tal Afar were reported to have killed some 200 insurgents and captured many others. Speaking today on the issue of Iraq, George W. Bush said, “Democracy doesn’t just happen, it grows, but one thing is certain and that is that Iraqis are making a move toward democracy.” In other developments, the Saddam Hussein trial has been set for 19th October.
[20:54 GMT 16/09/2005]

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