Wednesday, August 17, 2005

'Media bug' hits computers worldwide

A computer worm called worm-rbot.cbq has his many computers around the world causing them to constantly reboot. Dubbed the 'Media Bug' by one report [Washington Post], CNN, ABC, The New York Times, The Caterpillar Co., Chrysler and some government agencies have been hit by the worm. Experts believe this worm may derive from the Zotob worm which struck at the weekend. CNN was hit at around 17:00 local time [22:00 GMT] ABC were hit earlier in the day at 13:00 ET [18:00] in their New York offices. Although Windows 2000 is mainly affected, early Microsoft XP editions were also said to be vulnerable. Anyone not having updated their computers since Friday 12th were vulnerable to attack. The FBI are asking anyone [in the US] who is attacked to contact them. Attacks were not confined to the United States. Outages were also reported in Germany, and in Asia.
[01:05 GMT 17/08/2005]

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