Monday, August 22, 2005

Iraq Constitution submitted

The main draft of the Iraq Constitution has been submitted to the Iraqi parliament. The proceedings commenced just before midnight in Baghdad. "In the name of the Iraqi people I open the National Assembly" said Hachim Al-Hasani, the Iraqi National Assembly speaker. He went on to announce that he had received a draft constitution, "but there are some points that are still outstanding and need to be worked out in the next three or four days" he said. But, there was determination amongst leaders and "we will try to reach consensus," he added.
The outstanding points were not immediately given. But in a press conference, he said federalism had been one of the areas of difficulty. "De-ba'athification" was also an issue causing problems. Oil production "would be done by the regional and central government" said Hachim Al-Hasani.
[20:24 GMT 22/08/2005]

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