Friday, July 29, 2005

Weather wrap - Heatwaves, Tornados and Floods

Hundreds of scouts have suffered heat exhaustion in Virginia, USA [Times Union] as temperatures soared into the high 30s just a day after 4 others died in an accident. They had been waiting for President Bush to make a scheduled appearance at an annual jamboree. However his visit was cancelled due to electrical storms. The four scouts who died, were electrocuted after they erected their tent under power lines, Wednesday. On this side of the Atlantic, a tornado swept through Birmingham in the north of England. Dozens of houses were destroyed, trees were uprooted and cars were thrown into the air after winds of 180 kph. The BBC reported up to 19 people injured. No deaths occurred. In India, however, over 400 have died in worsening floods. The Mumbai area, formerly known as Bombay, has been particularly hard hit. Over 65 cm of rain fell in one day alone. The rainy season is set to last for at least another month. [BBC]
[00:06 GMT 29/07/2005]

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