Thursday, July 21, 2005

Police press conference reveals little

In a press conference police confirmed the four scenes at which ‘attempt’ had been made to ‘detonate devices’. Sir Iain Blair asked the media to be patient as the authorities attempted to provide the facts. He gave praise to the emergency services. Due to the forensic evidence left at the scene, “It may be a positive breakthrough” for the police investigation, he added.
“The intention must have been to kill” Iain Blair, the London Police Commissioner told the media. But he would not confirm whether or not there were arrests, nor if a manhunt was underway. Neither would he confirm an earlier Reuters report that a ‘nail bomb’ was involved at the Warren Street incident. “It is too early to say” whether the attacks had the hallmarks of Al-Qaeda, Iain Blair told reporters. He would not confirm or deny reports that a bomber’s rucksack had ‘exploded whilst on his back’. He told the Boston Globe reporter, he would not “get into specifics”.
Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, said that “It is not surprising” that London was attacked so soon after the 7/7 attacks.
So in essence, nothing was confirmed other than what has already been reported in the ongoing news coverage.
[17:06 GMT / 18:06 BST 21/07/2005]

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