Monday, July 11, 2005

London bombing - death toll now 52

After an initial comment this morning that the death toll was unlikely to rise beyond the figure of 49, the Metropolitan Police have released a figure of 52. Two of the dead have been named as Susan Levy, 53, from Cuffley in Herts who was killed at the Kings Cross incident, and cleaner Gladys Wundowa, 51, who died in the bus bombing in Tavistock Square.

The Metropolitan Police have received over 1000 calls from the public and a ‘massive response’ to their request for pictures. They have asked for any mobile phone or camera images, that may be helpful to their enquiries, be sent to Alternatively members of the public could phone the Anti-terrorist hotline: 0800 789 321 Missing relatives: 0870 156 6344.
[14:27 GMT 11/07/2005]

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