Many “dodged the bullet”, according to one hotelier, when hurricane Emily swept through the Gulf of Mexico But others were not so lucky. Four people died as the 215 kph Category 4 storm hit the Caribbean en route to the Mexican coast. The four died when their car was swept away in flood waters in Jamaica. Two pilots also died when the helicopter they were using to carry out oil rig evacuation crashed in the high winds. Oil production dropped over the weekend causing an increase in oil prices. Emily, downgraded to a Category 2, is now heading into Texas. China meanwhile awaits typhoon Haitang, due to hit land Tuesday. Over 500,000 people have been evacuated from the Fujain province. Taiwan was hit earlier by the 180 kph typhoon injuring 22 people and destroying many buildings. Only one death has so far been reported.
Spain’s heatwave has claimed the lives of 11 fireman after forest fires swept through central parts of the country. Hundreds have been evacuated. It is said to be the worst drought to hit Spain since the 1940s.
[13:30 GMT 18/07/2005]
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