Tuesday, June 21, 2005

UK - Heatwave continues

Jubilee Beach, Southend on Sea on Sunday

The UK is continuing to enjoy high temperatures this week. The weekend saw the highest temperatures with 32 degrees Celsius recorded in London. Thousands flocked to the beaches with many roads and rail services seeing increased traffic. Even Southend on Sea was busy with many packing Jubilee Beach which was recently awarded the coveted Blue Flag award. Unfortunately the sea was a long muddy walk away, since the tide was out for much of the afternoon. There were weather related deaths reported as several people drowned in rivers and lakes throughout the south-east. In Milton Keynes a 35 year old man died in a boating lake and in Hertfordshire a 30 year old man drowned in a lake near Stevenage. And a 16 year old man was drowned in the River Thames in Surrey. But while the south of England basked in sunshine, flash floods caused hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage in Yorkshire at the weekend. Miraculously no deaths were reported.
[19:43 GMT 21/06/5005]

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