Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Iraq - MP killed in bomb attack

Iraq's oldest MP, Dhari al-Fayadh, 87, a Shia, died with his son and three bodyguards when a car bomb hit their convoy in northern Baghdad today. A bomber kills himself and three others at a police guard station in a hospital in Musayyib, 70km south of Baghdad, and in the northern city of Kirkuk, a car bomb killed two bodyguards in a failed attempt to assassinate the chief of traffic police. All this on the anniversary of the hand over of power to the new Iraqi government, seen by many as being symbolic rather than having any actual substance behind it. And far from Iyad Allawi's prediction that within days of that event, Iraq would "radiate with stability and security", the turmoil continues on a daily basis. And optimistic views are hard to find. Donald Rumsfeld this week said, "The insurgency could go on any number of years. Insurgencies tend to go on for five, six, eight, ten, twelve years." So, no end in sight to the chaos in Iraq then.
[16:48 GMT 28/06/2005]

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