Thursday, June 23, 2005

Heatwave - train stranded for hours

Smog hangs over London

Hundreds of passengers have been overcome with the heat after the train on which they were travelling suffered a power failure. The Kings Cross, London, to Newcastle train came to a halt just outside Peterborough. Temperatures reportedly rose to 115C according to one passenger who spoke to the Associated Press, though this is no doubt an error since water boils at 100C. As people passed out and panicked, some passengers broke windows in order to escape the heat. Firemen and emergency helicopters are reported to have been dispatched and water was being handed to passengers who have been waiting in an adjacent field for several hours. The latest report [at 21:50 UK time] was that passengers were being loaded aboard coaches. In London smog is beginning to create havoc for asthma sufferers and others with breathing disorders. Temperatures are set to remain high until at least Sunday according to meteorologists.
[20:48 GMT 23/06/2005]

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