Sunday, May 01, 2005

Attacks in Iraq, Arrests in Egypt, Tests in N Korea

In Egypt, authorities have detained nearly 200 people from villages where the three people, responsible for yesterday’s attacks, resided.
In Tal Afar, in northern Iraq, 20 people died after a suicide bomb detonated at a Kurdish funeral. In earlier attacks, in Baghdad,13 Iraqis died and 12 were injured. US and Iraqi troops meanwhile detained a number of insurgents in a southern suburb of Baghdad. According to US sources, some have ‘confessed’ to the abduction and killing of Margaret Hassan, a CARE worker who hasn’t been seen since November 2004. North Korea is believed to have tested a new missile CNN reports. And Laura Bush brings the house down as she made fun of her husband George W. Bush. On a broadcast shown on the BBC and other networks, She said, “We are opposites, I'm quiet, he's talkative. I'm introverted, he's extroverted. I can pronounce nuclear..."

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