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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Jackson trial - Larry King Live
Larry King Live is tonight going over the latest on the MJ case. It's a 'credibility issue' says CNN Headline Prime, Former Prosecutor, Nancy Grace. A trial set to last until at least June.
And what of these prior acts. Six alleged accusors making it awfully difficult for Messereau [Jackson's lawyer]. Larry King to Diane Dimonde [Executive Investigative Editor, Court TV], "is it a case of; if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, looks like a duck, it probably is a duck?".
Messereau "must get the jury to look at this case and to dismiss the previous allegations"
Raymone Bain, Jackson's spokeman, ends up arguing with Diane Dimond with regard an issue of whether the accusors still owe MJ money.
Will Jackson take the stand? "The decision is for Michael Jackson", says Raymone Bain. He "is no slouch". A viewer asks, "Will it jeopardise the custody of his children?" Yes, in short...
Larry King, "Do most people have a gut feeling that they hope these accusations are not true?"
"Of course Larry," says his studio guest Cynthia McFadden.
" The big question," says McFadden, from ABC, "why did the mothers allow their sons sleep in Michael Jackson's bed?" That will be an issue for the jury too. A jury that is said to be "very attentive" according to Diane Dimond [03:08 BST 13/04/05]
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