Monday, April 25, 2005

Iraq - a weekend of death

In Iraq, Sunday saw a double bombing at around 9 pm near a Shi’ite Mosque in Baghdad. Shortly after the first bomb detonated people gathered, only to be hit by a secondary device. Both devices were reported to have been set off by remote control. At least 16 were killed and some 57 injured. In Tikrit 6 people were killed as two suicide bombs hit near to an Iraqi police academy. At least 26 were injured. In other developments US authorities say they have 10 suspects in custody who they believe were involved in the shooting down of a helicopter on Thursday.
Pakistani Embassy worker, Malik Javaid, who was kidnapped earlier this month by Omer Bin Khatab, has been released by his captors. It is not known if a ransom was paid. On Saturday a US soldier was killed bringing the US toll to 1,569. An AP cameraman was killed and an AP photographer injured in Mosul. The incident occurred as US forces engaged insurgents on Saturday. And a bomb near the notorious Abu Ghraib prison killed 9 Iraqi soldier and wounded 20 others.

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